Everything we want you to know about working remotely beforehand

remote working tips

Not everyone is familiar with working remotely. Having a fully functional remote team can sure be a challenge but it is not impossible. 

Since working remotely seems to be the perfect arrangement now for many teams, organizations, and industries, it is time that we face the challenges and overcome them. 

Here, at ProofHub, we believe that organizations that encourage remote work often have higher levels of productivity. At the same time, there are plenty of benefits for the teams, too, including greater control over the working environment, and the ability to make your own lunch in your own kitchen, to just name a few. 


While working remotely ourselves, we have made some observations and drawn out some learnings too. Here are the things we want you to know about working remotely beforehand. 

Tips on navigating through the remote work life

Tips on navigating through the remote work life

Have a dedicated workspace 

Remote work for many people would mean: pick up the laptop and sit anywhere from the sofa to the balcony chair and even in the bed. Being able to close the door and focus on work is important. 

“It is important that you have a dedicated space to work. It should be comfortable, enable you to focus on the tasks at hand, make you feel motivated, lessen interruptions, and also associate you with your job and make you leave it when you’re off the clock,” says Sandeep Kashyap, CEO, ProofHub.  

Have reliable tech in place 

There’d hardly be a person who doesn’t know how important access to consistent WiFi is to working remotely, productively. Other than being able to communicate through chats or calls without losing the internet connection, one should also have a laptop (or desktop) and every tool required to do your job well

Get ready like you’re going to the office 

Even though you’re not going to the office, have a routine that keeps you motivated and presentable. It might be alluring to stay in the bed in your Superman or Kitty pajamas, not having to comb, etc. But it is important to control these things and follow the same routine you’d follow as you get up to go to the office. What if there is a surprise video call with the team, or even worse, a video call with the client? And even if that’s not the case, self-care is important. 

Keep the communication levels high 

It is common to feel communication levels dropping when working remotely. Some may even say that they feel left out. There should be proper channels to keep everyone posted with important announcements. Lack of proper tools to review or give feedback also might lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Having tools to discuss and keep everyone in the loop so that they don’t feel isolated from the important decisions is the need of the hour. 

Have a plan 

And stick to it. It’s important that you connect with your daily tasks, deadlines, and goals for the day. You should keep a structured task list. Time spent alone is better when it’s structured. While your schedule might include walking your dog or taking a long walk, it’s good that you have your deadlines clear and defined. It might take extra effort in the beginning, but it only gets better as you attempt to communicate progress and make it easier for others to see your progress on tasks

Define your timings 

When does the workday start? End? Drawing a line between work and home is tough. You may find it easier to define work timings when you go to the office; you know when to log in and when to log off. It’s recommended that you keep the timings the same while working remotely too. Unlike the popular opinion,  the world, as remote workers, might seem incredibly connected and you might also overwork yourself. Have you scheduled your timetable yet? 

Do not forget to have some fun

Include social breaks in your schedule. All your friends might now be online. Why not have a fun group chat with your buddies at work? Be more intentional about having remote team-building activities so that everyone feels included. It’s time to amp up fun communication using other tools besides having to go for coffee breaks now.

Now that you are working remotely, life will look a tiny bit different (for some, pretty much different), but also a tiny bit awesome (for some, pretty much awesome). If you rely on the tips mentioned above, the transition to the remote working style will be smooth and productive.

What are your best tips for working remotely? 

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