What is work management? Challenges and how tools can help you

work management


Work management helps organizations streamline their work and offers a systematic approach to managing their daily operations. Work management ensures that your resources are allocated effectively and critical activities receive the necessary attention by providing a structured framework for executing tasks.

In this article, we will understand what is work management, Its challenges, and the benefits of a work management tool.

What is work management?

Work management is the systematic approach to organizing tasks, resources, and processes within a work environment to achieve desired objectives. Work management involves planning, prioritizing, and delegating various tasks to optimize productivity, streamline workflows, and enhance collaboration among team members.

By implementing effective work management in your organization you can

Work management offers numerous benefits to organizations, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and overall performance. By implementing effective work management practices, organizations can:

Work management is a strategy that solves concerns like, “How to increase the success of the projects? How to improve the processes to better support business goals?”

Work management is related to managing team workflow and workload that is associated with the scope of a project. It means applying the core principles of project management for teams to work in a profitable work environment. Work management is done at an individual level to manage the emails and write down the to-do lists related to the project. If you’re spending too much time managing your team’s work, work management software will connect your team members to work in real time, from start to finish.

One such tool is ProofHub, a collaborative work management tool for teams and organizations to work together. With ProofHub, you can manage all the processes in your team. Track the progress of work at every level, easily locate information about projects, assign tasks to team members, and stay updated in real time. So the teams should empower themselves with tools that share the best qualities found in work management software.

Challenges in work management

Challenges in work management

Organizations face various challenges while managing work. These challenges can make it hard to figure out what to do first and how to use resources wisely.

Here are some major work management challenges that organizations face.

1. Allocation of a task to teams

Work organization is the first step that comes up with a new project. It brings with it the possibility of skipping a step to make an efficient delivery system for fewer mistakes. The managers usually have to take care of the allocations to make sure that the work is being assigned to the right person at the right time and is completed in the right manner.

“If you are struggling with unwanted tasks consuming your productivity, you need a work management tool. Try ProofHub

2. Clearing the line between urgent and important tasks

With managing the work, comes the trouble of drawing a line between urgent and important tasks. When a new project comes up, it becomes difficult to always be a person who says yes to whatever comes up. This happens when there is no proper work or project management software.

3. Defining a finish date for the task

Giving project tasks a finish date is the need of every project manager. Every team member needs to have a deadline attached to it so the task doesn’t get delayed. So, a manager should have the right experience and knowledge to set the right finish date for the task.

4. Having a clear conversation with clients

The managers usually fail to have a transparent conversation between clients and team members. They fail to update the client or the team members about the priorities every day. And, they happen to get their team into trouble.

In an attempt to better manage the work, it’s all about overcoming the challenges to create a task management system that promotes the overall success of the team.

How work management tools can help your organization?

How do you measure your success? Managing projects from beginning to end? Probably, this is the definition of success for most of the project managers. They need to strike a balance between project requirements and managing resources effectively. Well, no matter which business category you fall in, a work management tool will help you get your work done like a pro.

How work management tools can help your organization

How? Let’s see in detail.

1. Inspires collaboration across the team

Do you ever use email to communicate with your clients and teams, send documents, and find it too difficult to manage? This is the case if you are not using an Agile project management approach. 75% of employers rank collaboration as very high, only 49% of millennials support workplace collaboration tools and others rely on traditional methods to collaborate with clients and across different teams.

Traditional collaboration methods fail to increase the success of teams leading to a loss in time, effort, money, and reputation, while with collaborative work management software, the teams can collaborate efficiently on assigned tasks, no matter where you are, your team will be updated on upcoming schedules or a new task.

2. Make project schedules visible to all

What happens when your clients tell you to send the report of the progress of the project before it goes into the final stage? You look for ways to generate a report and waste 1-2 days on the process and all through this, the clients get disappointed. If you have a tool by your side you will never get into this scenario. You can always have a schedule of your project that can be accessed by anyone you want from individuals to stakeholders.

Don’t ever lose control over your projects again. Just in few clicks, you can reach the demands of clients who may shift their priorities at any time and also keep your team members updated every day. Using a work management tool can let you have unlimited visibility into the project schedule to easily overcome delays.

3. Manage all the work in one spot from anywhere

With a task management tool, tracking tasks from start to end is a piece of cake. It empowers teams whether working on personal task lists or along with the whole team, to stay on their tab without the need of switching between tools and multiple browser windows. You will have the full advantage of managing your work items in one place.

Also, with cloud technology, you can have all your information secured in a place so you can access it at your fingertips from anywhere and anytime. Work across the globe in a different zone with the same usability.

4. Divide the team’s workload fairly

It may sound a little straightforward to delegate work to the team, but it is surely complicated to be fair with each of the team members. For better work management, you can use the online system for workload management by delegating tasks to specific people as per their skills and availability.

Have a clear look at who is working on what and when. If you see someone is over-occupied, reschedule work to ensure employees do not have to work overtime and are not stressed out.

5. Integrating multiple software solutions

Work management software gives you access to integrate your favorite apps and use them from within the tools. The software can be integrated with customer relationship management, accounting and billing apps, and many more. You can have all the necessary information in one place while you stay on your work. As a result, you can easily get rid of all the hassle of various tools and manage your life well.

6. It brings all the information to a centralized hub

As the team starts working on a project, it is common for them to become overwhelmed with the heavy workload. It is also associated with messy file management, keeping a record of the number of documents and files to share with the rest of the team. Therefore, the a need for a work management app to avoid the use of multiple tools for speeding up the process of file sharing and file management. Work management software will be like a centralized hub for your team to easily share files with anyone working on the projects and keep all the information safe and visible to all. In this way, the flow of work will be maintained and teams can work uninterrupted.

7. It nurtures transparency across the team

Transparency is a way of simple, honest, and direct communication with co-workers. With work management solutions, you can have good team collaboration that develops a transparent work process. It brings value to different functions across the organization. With a transparent work culture, it becomes easy for team members to keep track of every single stage. Everyone will be informed of who is involved in the project, who is working on what, what are the other people’s roles and responsibilities, and everything else related to the project.

8. Focus on what’s important

There will always be confusion regarding what is important and knowing what matters most leading to increased difficulty in staying organized, setting priorities, and managing time. Remember, your work management solution is one good way to stop the chaos. You can set priorities while keeping an eye on the future.

Takeaway: Choose a software solution that lets you create tasks, prioritize projects for the whole team, and focus on what is important. For example, ProofHub helps to organize your workspace, stop procrastination, take up one thing at a time, and organize your mailbox.

9. Have fewer meetings

You and your team walking to the conference room for a “progress update” meeting after every few hours—that’s a lot of valuable time going to waste. And it’s a classic situation.

Everyone is busy attending too many meetings to figure out what’s going on—while nothing happens.

Conclusion-less, frivolous meetings are the biggest productivity killers. However, with the help of a work management tool, you and everyone else working on a specific project will know the status before having to entertain one of those boring meetings.

10. Schedule better

Keeping track of milestones and deadlines during project management can be tricky. There are many times when things inevitably change and all the available and assigned resources have to be shifted at a moment’s notice. Now, without proper collaboration and a clear view of the project timeline, it is often impossible to keep everything organized among the general chaos of an unpredictable project life cycle.

Fortunately, there are work management solutions with collaborative features and an easy-to-use Gantt chart tool that makes it easy for managers to schedule, update, and organize projects and resources.

11. Delegate work more easily

For managers, delegation is one of the most time-consuming tasks, especially when they’re dealing with a large and overly complex project. Generally, here’s how things go – the manager hands out tasks to an individual or group, each individual or group is briefed about the task and the associated expectations, the team starts to work on their respective assignments, and stand-up meetings are held to keep everyone up-to-date.

Now, this whole process can be trimmed by simply using a work management tool. With the right tools, project managers can insert tasks into the project timeline, assign them to people from within the project, collaborate on the task itself via comments, and simply check the software to see what is happening and what is done. It’s a time-saving win.

12. Offer flexible and remote working

Many top companies are already offering flexible and remote working options. And there’s no doubt that this kind of work is likely to become more commonplace soon. Work management software allows businesses to adopt this kind of working effectively. It allows teams to work collaboratively and for managers – it helps to keep everything moving and get work done without having to physically check.

13. Keep an eye on the cost of a project

Keeping an eye on the cost of a project and ensuring that it doesn’t spiral out of control is also an important part of a manager’s role. With a work management tool, a manager can have actual quantifiable evidence of what has been done and for how many hours and identify where too much money is being spent in real-time. The software allows them to make informed decisions while moving forward in the project and be in control of the budget by allocating hours and resources differently wherever necessary.


Work management plays a critical role in the success of an organization. By embracing best practices, leveraging work management tools, and fostering a culture of collaboration, you can optimize the workflows, enhance productivity, and achieve your organization’s goals.

Are you ready to start improving your business with work management software? Get the most from every day and optimize your productivity with all the details of your work in one place. You can Try ProofHub for free


How work management is different from project management?

Work management deals with a broader scope, including task management, processes, and resources beyond individual projects. Whereas, project management focuses on the planning and execution of specific projects with defined objectives.

What role does leadership play in effective work management?

Leadership plays a crucial role in fostering a culture of accountability and providing the necessary support and resources for successful work management implementation.

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